Civil society, initiatives and alliances
A vibrant and human rights-oriented civil society is the ultimate bastion against right-wing extremism, right-wing populism, racism and anti-Semitism.
But democrats who take a public stance against anti-democratic, racist and extreme right-wing positions frequently become the targets of discreditation campaigns, threats or attacks.
The intentions of the perpetrators are clear: They use intimidation and fear in the hope that the affected persons or groups will restrict or terminate their political and/or voluntary work. The numerous small and large civic initiatives and alliances that are active against extreme right-wing, racist and anti-refugee activities and gatherings in their own neighbourhoods or throughout Berlin, however, face additional challenges. These include, for example, dealing with reactions of right-wing extremists to the protests, moderating group processes in the initiatives, dealing with the burdens of permanent commitment against marches of right-wing extremist or with regard to their own public relations work.
The MBR advises and supports representatives of the democratic civil society in their commitment and their confrontation with right-wing extremism, right-wing populism, racism and anti-Semitism

MBR consultations in these fields may focus on:
- Individual consultations for teams and networks in the identification of objectives, moderation of group processes, project development, communication concepts and public relations work.
- Provision of information and analyses on right-wing extremism, right-wing populism, racism and anti-Semitism.
- Advice and support for dedicated and committed individuals and initiatives on how to deal with extreme right-wing hostility, intimidation attempts and threats, consultations focusing on security measures at events and parties as well as strategies to handle (expected) disruptions.
relevant mbr
Umgang mit rechtsextremen oder rassistischen Aussagen und Gesprächsmustern (2019)
Feste feiern ohne Nazis – Handlungsempfehlung für störungsfreie Straßenfeste (2015)
Publikationen des BMB und anderer MBTs
Handbuch Zivilgesellschaft. Anregungen für das Engagement gegen Rechtsextremismus und Rassismus (2012), Hg.: Aktionsbündnis Brandenburg gegen Gewalt, Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit.
Im Verein – gegen Vereinnahmung. Eine Handreichung zum Umgang mit rechtsextremen Mitgliedern (2009), Hg.: Regionale Arbeitsstelle für Bildung, Integration und Demokratie (RAA) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e. V.

The right-wing cultural struggle in cultural institutions and memorial sites

(Local) politician who has been threatened

Conspiracy ideologies in private life