Sports clubs and associations
Athletes and sports fans represent a cross-section of society as a whole. So naturally, they also participate in societally-relevant debates and express their opinions in their respective clubs.
The national increase in extreme right-wing, racist, anti-Semitic and right-wing populist attitudes can therefore also be found in the everyday realities of sports clubs. For example, if people are treated with hostility, attacked or even excluded due to their ethnic, religious, cultural or sexual orientation. This poses a major challenge for the affected parties as well as for those who defend a diverse and open society and want to promote these values within the general area of sports and athletics.
In the past, certain fan groups and environments have been mobilised to participate in extreme right-wing or right-wing populist marches. Meeting points for fans, journeys to games or the sporting event itself have occasionally been the point of origin of extreme right-wing, racist or anti-Semitic incidents, threats or even attacks. Nowadays, these instances can also be found in digital environments and social media. For example, websites and platforms of sporting associations and clubs, or of individual athletes who openly decry right-wing extremism and are committed to democracy, diversity and respect are frequently targeted by hostile attacks.
As a result, the MBR advises and supports fans and members as well as chair people and employees of sporting associations and clubs.

MBR consultations in these fields may focus on:
- Training for employees in sporting associations in the areas of public relations and social media.
- Advice on how to deal with racism and anti-minority sentiments in one’s own club.
- Supporting the development and mediation of user regulations in sports facilities.
Relevant MBR

The right-wing cultural struggle in cultural institutions and memorial sites

(Local) politician who has been threatened

Conspiracy ideologies in private life